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2024-08-06来源:网络阅读: 1101

郭怡孮,男,汉族,1940年生,山东省潍坊市人。现任中央美术学院教授,博士生导师,中国画学会会长,中国美术家协会中国画艺术委员会名誉主任,中央文史馆馆员,中国艺术研究院中国画院名誉院长,中国国家画院中国画院副院长,中国和平统一促进会书画联谊会会长, 第九届、第十届全国政协委员。 先后在美国、法国、日本、加拿大、肯尼亚及国内包括台湾等地多次举办个人画展。曾应邀在加拿大、日本等国及我国香港地区讲学和学术交流,曾获“文化部优秀美术作品奖”、“中日水墨画特别优秀奖”等。出版有《中国近现代名家画集——郭怡孮》等多部画集。编著有《中国画教材》、《郭味蕖花鸟画技法》、《白描花卉写生》、《写意花鸟画技法》、《花卉写生教程》、《花鸟画创作教程》等,并有多部教学录像带发行。

Guo Yijian, male, Han nationality, born in 1940, is a native of Weifang, Shandong Province. He is currently a professor and doctoral supervisor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, president of the Chinese Painting Society, honorary director of the Chinese Painting Art Committee of the China Artists Association, member of the Central Museum of Literature and History, honorary president of the Chinese Painting Academy of the China Academy of Art, vice-president of the Chinese Painting Academy of the National Academy of Painting of China, president of the Calligraphy and Painting Association of the Society for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification of China, and a member of the 9th and 10th CPPCC National Committee. He has held many individual exhibitions in the United States, France, Japan, Canada, Kenya and China, including Taiwan. He has been invited to give lectures and conduct academic exchanges in Canada, Japan and Hong Kong. He has been awarded the "Ministry of Culture Award for Outstanding Art Works" and the "Sino-Japanese Ink Painting Special Award of Excellence". He has published a number of collections of paintings, including "Collection of Paintings by Famous Modern Chinese Artists--Guo Yijian". He is the author of "Teaching Materials of Chinese Painting", "Techniques of Flower and Bird Paintings by Guo Infinite", "Sketching Flowers and Birds in White", "Techniques of Writing Flower and Bird Paintings", "Tutorial on Sketching Flowers and Birds", "Tutorial on Creating Flower and Bird Paintings", etc., and he has also released a number of video tapes for teaching.



理查德·斯契米德:1934年出生在美国伊利诺斯州的芝加哥 。当代世界最杰出的画家和美术教育家 。他最早的艺术的影响,来自他外祖父朱利安( Julian Oates,建筑雕塑艺术家)。理查德.斯契米德(Richard Schmid)从 12 岁开始初步学习和研究人物、风景和解剖学, 一直持续到他进入美国芝加哥艺术学院、在威廉摩斯拜(William H. Mosby )的指导下 学习和研究古典绘画技术。

Richard Schemid: Born in 1934 in Chicago, Illinois, USA. One of the world's most prominent contemporary painters and art educators. His earliest artistic influences came from his maternal grandfather, Julian Oates, an architectural sculptor. Richard Schmidt (1892-1945), a painter and educator. Richard Schmid began his initial study of figures, landscapes and anatomy at the age of 12 and continued his study of classical painting techniques at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago under the tutelage of William H. Mosby.






Descending Yulin, male, born in February 1945, a native of Huai'an, Hebei Province, is a national-level artist, deputy research librarian, honorary chairman of the World Association of Chinese Artists, chief artist of the World UNESCO, executive member of the Art Commission of the World UNESCO, permanent academic adviser of the Royal Foundation for the Arts in England, board member of the Artists' Department of the China Art Appraisal Committee, and honorary president of the Painting and Calligraphy Academy of the National Palace of China in Taipei, Honorary Director and Visiting Professor of the Taipei National Palace Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, and former Director of the Inner Mongolia Art Association.

He has been engaged in the creation of flower and bird paintings for many years, and has learned from the outside, and got the source of his heart, and has participated in many international, domestic and autonomous region exhibitions, and has won awards for more than a dozen of his works. Many of his works have been collected by China-US Global Strategy Research Center and other related institutions or individuals at home and abroad. After strict consideration by the Organizing Committee of the ISQ Art Market Registration and Certification Project of the China Art Appraisal Committee, the works of art created by him have passed the ISQ art value assessment standards and have been awarded the "Famous" level of artist.

In addition, his works of art have been compiled into more than thirty collections, such as Dictionary of New Chinese Artists, Complete Collection of Contemporary Art, Anthology of Chinese Art 1949-2000, Selected Treasures of Contemporary Chinese Famous Painters and Calligraphy, Treasured Collection of Chinese Famous Painters and Calligraphy through the Ages, Collection of Fine Works by Contemporary Painters and Calligraphers of China, and Recommended Overseas Authentic Owned Works of Contemporary Painting and Calligraphy. His art thesaurus has been compiled into more than ten collections, including Who's Who in Contemporary Chinese Art, Who's Who in the World of Chinese Literature and Art, and Who's Who of the World's Outstanding Experts and Talents.



程敬生早年研习油画,尤其在部队的那段时光,军人吃苦耐劳、严于律己的工作态度和坚忍不拔、精益求精的敬业精神,使他在进行题材类艺术创作时,总是希望完美表现客观对象,总是强调精微至致,惟妙惟肖,为此,他从素描、透视、色彩等现代艺术表现形式入手,进行严格系统地专业训练,在艰苦卓绝的探索过程中程敬生打下坚实的童子功,毫无疑问,潜心学习让他终身受益,他生动传神的花鸟画和苍茫雄浑的山水画总能传递出到那个时期虔诚而深入的训练在他笔墨中遗留的痕迹,怀着无比崇敬的艺术情怀,他很快陶醉于传统中国画及指墨艺术,先后师从于著名画家汤文选、鲁慕迅等艺术大家,在名师耳提面命的引导中,扎根传统,广收博取,刻苦锤炼笔墨、注重创新求变,如果那时程敬生仅仅以花鸟艺术作为主要追求方向,倾注精力,加以时日,以他精湛的技艺和独到才情完全可以斩荆披棘,在当代画坛开辟一条新路,但是,艺术的变才是不变的永恒,变才能给艺术家带来心驰神往的选择和别具洞天的发展方向,可能是血脉中流淌着艺术基因的天性使然,也可能机缘巧合的无心插柳,程敬生从花鸟的艺术表现中演变到对大山、大水、大世界的自然描绘,从眼中之美到胸中之美,再到笔底之美,“外师造化,中得心源”,他以放笔如在手底,闭幕如在眼前的传统技法勾勒胸中的丘壑,通过熟烂于心的前人笔墨特点杂糅熔铸自家之言,用丰富的笔性与笔意的变化传递心象与胸次,“拢天地于形内,挫万物于笔端”,在具象与意象之间剥离舍取,笔墨挥洒中与自然四时之变神遇而迹化,超乎象外,得乎寰中,抒发别样心路历程,收获缤纷五彩的魅力人生。参加了北京中华书画名家全国城市巡回大展。国画《阳春》参加"世界华人第二届艺术大展获国际荣誉金奖。水彩《春耕》获湖北省群星奖铜奖。国画《清秋水梦不离云)》获省群星奖银奖!湖北省美协的画展八次,《大别山松》获得铜奖!曾在北京,武汉,杭州,山东,广东等地举办联展或个展。作品被中国美术馆,西泠印社,吴昌硕故居等多家美术馆,博物馆收藏。《美术》杂志 《美术报》 《光明日报》 《南方日报》 《美中时报》 《中央电视台》 《艺海》栏目湖北电视台,以及《人民日报》新媒体《袭古创今》当代名家纪录片均介绍其业绩及成就。出版有《程敬生画集》,作品收入《中国美术选集》等二十多部。

Cheng Jingsheng studied oil painting in his early years, especially during the time in the army, the soldier's hard-working and disciplined work attitude and perseverance and dedication to excellence, so that when he was creating art on the subject, he always wanted to perfectly express the objective object, always emphasizing on the subtle and subtle, but exquisite, and for this reason he started from the modern forms of artistic expression such as sketching, perspective, color, and other forms of professional training in a strict and systematic manner. In the process of painstaking exploration Cheng Jing Sheng laid down a solid child skills, there is no doubt that dedicated study so that he benefited for life, his vivid and vivid bird and flower paintings and landscape paintings can always be conveyed to that period of pious and in-depth training in the traces left behind in his ink and brush, with immense reverence for the art of feelings, he soon became intoxicated with traditional Chinese painting and finger-printing art, successively under the tutelage of renowned painters Tang Wenxuan, Lu Muxun and other art masters, in the famous teacher's ear in the guidance, rooted in tradition, wide collection, painstaking refinement of ink and brush, focusing on innovation and change, if Cheng Jing Sheng was only to the flower and bird art as the main pursuit of the direction of the energy, to be time, with his exquisite skills and unique talent can be cut through the thorns and thorns, in the contemporary painting world to open up a new road, but the change of the arts is the same eternal, change in order to give the Artists can only bring fascinating choices and unique development direction, it may be the artistic genes flowing in the blood of nature, may also be coincidental unintentional, Cheng Jing Sheng evolved from the artistic expression of birds and flowers to the natural depiction of mountains, water, the world, from the beauty of the eyes to the beauty of the chest, and then the beauty of the bottom of the brush, "outside the teacher of the creation of a new source of the heart", he puts the brush to the natural depictions of mountains, waters and the world. "He outlines the gullies and valleys in his chest with the traditional technique of putting the brush in the bottom of his hand and closing it in front of his eyes, blending and melting his own words through the familiar characteristics of the brush and ink of his predecessors, and conveying his heart and his chest with the richness of his brushwork and changes in brushwork, "gathering heaven and earth in his form, and frustrating everything with his brush," stripping away and giving up between the figurative and the imaginary, and using the brush and ink to depict the world. In the process of peeling off and choosing between figurative and imaginative, the brush and ink are waved with the changes of the four seasons of nature to meet the gods and signs, transcend beyond the image and get to the world, express a different way of life, and harvest a colorful and charming life. He participated in the Beijing Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Masters National City Tour Exhibition. Chinese painting "Yangchun" participated in the "World Chinese Second Art Exhibition" and won the international honorary gold medal. Watercolor "Spring Farming" won the Bronze Prize of Hubei Provincial Group Star Award. Chinese painting "Clear Autumn Water Dreams Without Clouds" won the Silver Prize of Provincial Group Star Award! The painting exhibition of Hubei Provincial Art Association was held for eight times, and "Pine in Dabie Mountain" won the Bronze Prize! He has held group or solo exhibitions in Beijing, Wuhan, Hangzhou, Shandong, Guangdong and other places. His works have been collected by the National Art Museum of China, Xiling Yinshe, Wu Changshuo's former residence and many other art museums. His works have been collected by many art museums and museums, such as the National Art Museum of China, Xiling Printing Society, and the former residence of Wu Changshuo. His works have been published in more than twenty books, including "Anthology of Chinese Art".










Yu Mingxuan was born in Guangxi in 1946. Formerly served as a senior judge at the fourth level, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Shangchao Town in Huanjiang County, Mayor of the Town People's Government, Member of the Party Group of the People's Court of Huanjiang County, and Head of the Political Engineering Department. The outstanding inheritor of Chinese hair is a researcher at the Chinese Hair Research Association. At present, he is the vice chairman of the Council of Chinese Enterprise Reporting Art Capital, the deputy secretary-general of the Working Committee of Enterprise Artists of China Enterprise Culture Promotion Association, the deputy secretary-general of the Working Committee of Calligraphers and Painters of the New Art Group of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, and the distinguished calligraphers and painters, the member of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, the vice chairman of the Council of the Calligraphers and Painters Professional Committee of the Chinese National Architecture Research Association, the member of the Chinese Maoti Calligraphers Association, the director of the National Public Relations Department of the China Internet Alliance, and the. Senior Researcher at Beijing Xinhai Cultural and Art Research Institute.

The work has won multiple awards in the National Calligraphy Competition since 2011,

In 2012, he won the Golden Dragon Art Award at the 3rd National Poetry, Calligraphy, Painting, and Printing Competition.

In 2014, he won the gold medal in the "Chinese Loong · Chinese Dream" - the global Chinese calligraphy exhibition celebrating the 65th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and was awarded the honorary title of "Outstanding Calligrapher of New China".

In 2015, he participated in the calligraphy exhibition commemorating the 70th anniversary of the victory of the World Anti Fascist War and the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and was awarded the gold medal and the title of "World Peace Artist".

In 2016, won the 2016 China Art Golden Pen Award.

In 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2023, calligraphy works were presented as gifts to the National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Received the Special Gold Award at the 11th China Dream Cup in October 2023.



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