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2024-07-17来源:网络阅读: 1659



吴为山,男,汉族,1962年1月生,江苏东台人。1995年6月加入民盟。1987年7月在南京师范大学获学士学位,国际著名雕塑家。 现任民盟中央专职副主席,中国美术馆馆长、二级教授、博士生导师,全国政协常委、副秘书长、文化文史和学习委员会委员,中国文联全委会委员、文艺工作者职业道德建设委员会副主任,中国美术家协会副主席,中国城市雕塑家协会主席,住建部全国城市雕塑建设指导委员会副主任兼艺术委员会主任,中国艺术研究院中国雕塑院院长,南京大学教授、博士生导师。教育部全国艺术教育委员会副主任,教育部全国高等教育指导委员会副主任中国文联全委会委员,全国宣传文化系统四个一批人才暨文化名家”,享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家,全国艺术专业学位研究生教育指导委员会美术设计分委员会委员。中国美术家协会第十届理事会副主席 。南京大学教授、博士生导师,南京信息工程大学兼职教授。 2019年1月,获颁“会林文化奖”, 12月,荣获2019第七届“中华之光——传播中华文化年度人物”奖 。2022年2月2日,参加《百花迎春》晚会,参与文艺志愿者协会拜年。3月7日,获全国政协委员优秀履职奖。12月23日,当选中国民主同盟第十三届中央委员会副主席。 2023年3月27日,获澳门科技大学颁授荣誉人文学博士学位。 

Wu Weishan, male, Han ethnicity, born in January 1962, from Dongtai, Jiangsu. Joined the Democratic League in June 1995. I obtained my bachelor's degree from Nanjing Normal University in July 1987 and am an internationally renowned sculptor. The current full-time vice chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic League of China, director of the China Art Museum, second level professor, doctoral supervisor, member of the Standing Committee and Deputy Secretary General of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, member of the Culture, Culture, History and Learning Committee, member of the full committee of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, deputy chairman of the China Artists Association, chairman of the China Urban Sculpture Association, deputy director of the National Urban Sculpture Construction Guidance Committee and director of the Art Committee of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, president of the China Sculpture Institute of the Chinese Academy of Art, professor and doctoral supervisor at Nanjing University. Deputy Director of the National Art Education Committee of the Ministry of Education, Deputy Director of the National Higher Education Guidance Committee of the Ministry of Education, Member of the Full Committee of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Expert of the National Propaganda and Culture System's "Four Batches of Talents and Cultural Masters", Expert Enjoying Special Government Allowances from the State Council, and Member of the Art Design Sub Committee of the National Art Professional Degree Graduate Education Guidance Committee. Vice Chairman of the 10th Council of the Chinese Artists Association. Professor and doctoral supervisor at Nanjing University, part-time professor at Nanjing University of Information Technology. In January 2019, he was awarded the "Huilin Culture Award", and in December 2019, he was awarded the 7th "Chinese Light - Annual Figure in Spreading Chinese Culture" award. On February 2, 2022, participated in the "Hundred Flowers Welcoming Spring" evening party and paid New Year's greetings to the Literary and Art Volunteer Association. On March 7th, he was awarded the Excellent Performance Award by a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. On December 23rd, he was elected as the Vice Chairman of the 13th Central Committee of the Chinese Democratic League. On March 27, 2023, he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Humanities by the University of Macau.  




Mohammed Saker was born in Egypt in 1963. PhD in Art from the School of Fine Arts, University of Alawan. Member of the Council of the European Artists Association. Professor at the School of Printmaking at the University of Almiya in Egypt, currently serving as the dean of the school. I have participated in over 120 domestic and international exhibitions, and have held over 40 solo exhibitions on painting, printmaking, installation, and image art in Egypt, Germany, Morocco, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and have won 24 important domestic and international awards.











Wang Yingchun, pen name: Guzhai Mozhu, senior teacher, exemplary individual in literary and art work. Currently a member of the Shaanxi Calligraphers Association, a member of the Hard Pen Calligraphers Association, a member of the Yan'an Calligraphers Association, Vice Chairman of the Yanchuan County Calligraphers Association, a contemporary calligrapher and painter, inheritor of calligraphy and ink culture, national brand artist, artistic merit figure, contemporary art leader, renowned artist of both virtue and art, council member of the Art Professional Committee of the Ethnic Architecture Research Association, and member of the International Exchange Working Committee of the China Service Trade Association.

In 1991, individual calligraphy exhibitions were held in Yanchuan and Yan'an respectively, and were reported on in Yan'an Daily and Yan'an TV Station.

In 2017, participated in the China Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China and the launch of postage products nationwide on the Central Painting and Calligraphy Channel; In November, as a inheritor of Chinese cultural calligraphy, he participated in the annual conference of "Urban Renewal and Cultural Inheritance" in Chongqing, and was praised as a new era of both virtue and art. He was reported by several media outlets.

In September 2018, the the Belt and Road jointly built and prospered the "Chinese Dream, Cultural Dream - A Special Stamp Album of Wang Yingchun, a famous masterpiece".

In June 2020, "2020 Gongpu Cultural Heritage/Official Recommended Calligraphy Artist - Wang Yingchun" was reported on media such as China Electric Literature and Art Network, and his works were exhibited at the 16th China International Cultural Industry Expo.

In June 2021, calligraphy works were exhibited on the theme tour of "Cultural China" on Beijing Metro Line 1; In October, I was invited to attend the Ethnic Art Academic Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition held at the Beijing Ethnic Culture Palace.

In October 2023, I was interviewed by the "Cultural Power" program team of the Central New Film High School Student Channel and hired as a "contracted calligrapher and painter" and artistic consultant for the "Cultural Power" program.

In January 2024, won the Excellent Works Award (Fine Arts) of the 16th "Five One Project" for spiritual civilization construction. On January 18th, participated in the special report of the 3rd Cultural Power Spring Festival Gala and was hired as a special invited art judge for the CCTV














Zhao Lei, pen name: Shichan Yuxiu (female), member of the Chinese Artists Association, Vice Chairman of the National Calligraphy and Painting Art Committee, National Certified Senior Calligrapher and Painter, National Ritual Expert, Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritor, student of the Chinese Painting Master Pan Tianshou, doctoral supervisor of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in France, senior chief art consultant of the Global Figure Art Network, Vice Chairman of the Integrated Media Center of "Chinese Talents", and Vice President of the Beijing Academy of Chinese Arts and Painting

Born in Changzhou, Jiangsu in 1946, grew up in Shanghai, and reported to the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture in 1965. He has been working as a professional painter since then. Graduated from China Academy of Fine Arts Affiliated Middle School and Beijing Institute of Education with a bachelor's degree in Fine Arts. Received a doctoral degree in art from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in France in 2019.

In 1994, he held a solo art exhibition at the China National Art Museum, which was reported by CCTV and multiple media outlets.

In 2020, the "60 Years of Zhao Lei's Art" solo art exhibition was held in Beijing, showcasing a total of 109 works including oil painting, traditional Chinese painting, and calligraphy. Media coverage was provided by the Central Digital Calligraphy and Painting Channel and CCTV Channel.

From 2022 to 2023, both CCTV and China Education Television broadcasted interviews and biographies, which were included in classics such as "Biographies of Contemporary World Celebrities". Canadian Finance Channel 1 broadcasted an interview with artist Zhao Lei, who is going global (20 minutes).

In 2008, People's Fine Arts Publishing House published a large collection of paintings titled "Zhao Lei's Danqing Brilliant Sky", as well as more than 10 other personal monographs.

From 1992 to 2016, he was invited to hold exhibitions in more than ten countries including South Korea and France, and won the gold and silver awards at the art exhibition.

In 2018, the works also participated in the "the Belt and Road International 10 Countries Tour Exhibition".

Honors: "Artist with the Most Collectible Value in China", "Famous Calligrapher and Painter with Outstanding Contributions in the 40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening up", "Meritorious Artist", "Benchmark of the Times", "Model Worker", etc

Calligraphy: "Lan Ting Zhao Lei Poetry Chan Yu Xiu Font" has been fully released online.

At the 2023 academic conference, he was awarded the title of "Zhao Lei Poetry Chan Yu Xiu Brand Artist" and was awarded a bronze medal in a review article by calligraphy and painting appraisal experts Shan Guoqiang and Liu Xiong.

In 2024, the book "Promoting Chinese Culture - Selected Works of Chinese Brand Artist Zhao Lei's Poetry, Charm, and Beauty" was published by Zhonghua Book Company; In 2024, important books such as "General History of Chinese Art" and "Complete Collection of Chinese Painting" were also included in the compilation.








Zhou Qiangyi, born in Laixi City, Qingdao, with the nickname Baohu Yiren. Served as the head of the cultural station in the township for 20 years, and then transferred to the municipal cultural bureau. Self created Jiaodong gourd pyrography studio. In terms of painting, I studied under Mr. Liu Yufan. The current Secretary General of the Laixi Calligraphy and Painting Association, President of the Laixi Baohulu Culture Research Institute, National First Class Craft Artist, Member of the New Literature and Art Group Calligraphers and Painters Working Committee of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, Editorial Board Member of the New Literature and Art Magazine, Member of the China Cultural Industry Promotion Association, Member of the International Exchange Working Committee of the China Service Trade Association, Signed Calligrapher and Painter of the Commercial Culture Magazine, and Vice President of the Beijing Guodu Moyun Calligraphy and Painting Academy.

Since 2017, together with teacher Mr. Liu Yufan, we have organized and held four consecutive sessions of the "Laixi Folk Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition". From over 150 people in the first session to over 360 people in the fourth session, it has become a large-scale mass calligraphy and painting cultural activity in the local area. It has received strong support and encouragement from the Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, Municipal Cultural and Tourism Bureau, and Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and has enlivened the cultural life of the masses.

In 2019, with the approval of the civil affairs department, the "Laixi Baohulu Culture Research Institute" was established, and the "Laixi Baohulu Culture Museum" with an area of over 600 square meters was established, collecting more than 1000 pieces of craft gourd works for people to visit and learn.

In 2023, he was appointed as a visiting professor by Shandong Vocational College of Cultural Industry. His gourd pyrography works were selected for the "Venice Biennale" and awarded the honorary title of "Chief Artist". His gourd pyrography works were also recorded in the "National Treasure Archives" for archiving.

Zhou Qiang is kind-hearted and enthusiastic about public welfare. He goes to school irregularly every year to teach the processing technology of gourds, and has taught more than 800 students. It has played a positive role in promoting the inheritance and development of gourd craftsmanship.



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